Is there a Best Time to Exercise?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

❓Is there a “best” time to workout?

Short answer: No. 😁🤣

Long answer: If you have insomnia & following a doc’s orders (treatments, etc.), keep doing what your doctor says, and try to exercise at the start of the day instead of the hours before you go to bed.

👉Note: People who exercise in the morning tend to be more successful at continuing a regular exercise schedule.

IF you have zero time to exercise in the morning (the start of your day) and the only time you have is the evening (end of your day), then by all means, workout then! Doing SOMETHING is better than nothing!

If exercising at the end of the day makes it hard for you to sleep afterward, then try incorporating a relaxation-based cool-down after your main workout. Example: try spending 5-15 minutes stretching, very slow walking, or meditating. There are great YouTube meditation channels that offer 10 minutes of guided meditation (I use these as my mind wanders greatly and I need to be “guided” through a short meditation).

💥I, personally, have to workout at the start of my morning. I make sure I allow enough time to do it by setting the alarm clock early enough. No, I don’t have this magic motivational “thing” that “gets” me to exercise 5 days a week. I just freaking DO IT!

🎉🎉BTW: I’m a certified health/wellness coach and holistic nutritionist. Need help? Reach out. 👋

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