We REALLY like to eat out…

We love eating out. Most normal people do, right?! But that’s not always healthy or great for the weight… because we like buffets, too! 

 So, life gets interesting trying to keep the pounds off or down and also eat foods that won’t make my heart explode or contribute to triggering any other variety of diseases and illnesses – you know, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, etc….

And I am a health and wellness coach. So I KNOW right from wrong! What to eat, what not to eat, what to eat in moderation. I workout six days per week. Exercising is NOT an issue for me at all. FOOD is (or can be at times…because…).

We do eat WELL 80% of the time. While at home – no problem. Just those eating out times (the 20%). But, I don’t regret it (too much! HA!) because I do want to ENJOY life, and I ENJOY going out to eat!

One thing that helps — a meal plan. A menu for the next day or for the next week. I’ve done it both ways. Lately, early every morning, I just plan what we’re eating for the following day.

I scribble the meals down on paper. I can easily grab it and FOLLOW what I’ve written down for that particular meal. .When making a grocery list, (which I cannot imagine going to the store without a list) I write down all the meals or foods on paper and anything I add I then write on the grocery list if I need to buy it. Categories: Veggies, Protein (usually the “main course” goes there), Fruits/Carbs, Accessories/Nuts/Dairy and Misc. (Yes, some of those labels can fit under other categories – like, milk is also protein… it’s just the way I organize it.). 

If you’re struggling with your nutrition, sticking to a plan, heck-even MAKING a plan, needing someone to coach you in your wellness journey, send me a message. YOU are worth it. You only get ONE body – so how about being nice to it and helping it be as healthy as possible?!