Contact me for more info!

Need a Health and Wellness Coach? Are you trying to…

Start or maintain healthy eating?

Adopt an active lifestyle?

Manage stress?

Lose weight?

Find someone or a group for support/accountability?

Find a new exercise routine?

Searching for quality supplements that DON’T cost a fortune?




And on a side note,

Want to join my team as an affiliate for wellness products, save on your own purchases, and make a decent side income? Contact ME!

Let me help you reach your health, wellness and fitness goals. We’ll partner-up and design a personalized plan to move you forward with well-focused action steps.

You’ll have my guidance and motivation in making your essential lifestyle and behavior changes… because I know old habits are hard to break. It’s YOUR time now to create new, meaningful habits and break through that brick wall to your desired destination and dreams!


You generally seek a coach when your normal methods or strategies no longer work, if you feel stuck in a rut with no clear way to get out, or you feel confused/lost on how to proceed towards achieving your goal.

You enter a coaching relationship with a specific agenda to reach certain goals. In our action-centered partnership, I move you along from your intentions to actions to sustainable changes, offering inspirational coaching and helpful tips.

If you like, we can schedule meetings to evaluate your progress by phone, Zoom (or another online face talk system) or simply communicate via email.

I also have Accountability Groups you can join for extra support, my Facebook Wellness Actions Page,  and other supportive options that I offer at different times.

READ MORE about coaching here.

FREE Consultation!

You can explain your current health/wellness goals or challenges. Then, we can determine what particular program matches your needs for nutrition and fitness!

Contact Me